I’ve seen the Avengers, now what do I watch?
May 4th, 2012 by Susie
This November, Dark Horse put out a the graphic novel the Shepherd’s Tale. It provided us Browncoats with the long awaited back story of Shepherd Book. While it was interesting to finally find out what he was hiding, and it was a well written story, it didn’t really feel like an installment of Firefly, since most of the crew only appeared in a couple of pages. When I think of Firefly, the first thing I think of is the fun of spending time with the nine, very distinct, people living aboard Serenity. Well Shepherd’s Tale writer, Zack Whedon, has given us just, that in an online only, eight page comic called Serenity: Downtime.
Surprisingly it is available on USA Today’s website, along with a brief introductory article about Firefly/Serenity. It is awesome! It feels very much like an episode of Firefly. It even has close ups of River’s feet! Here is a little blurb about the comic.
Whedon has tried to create an atmosphere resembling a scene from Firefly. “I wanted to reward those fans by showing these characters like it was a part of the show,” he says.
Downtime follows crewmembers snowed in on a planet filled with, as Whedon puts it, “a bunch of people you don’t want to run into.” Though the whole crew is included, the focus is on the mysterious (and fan-favorite) character known as River.
Check it out here! Serenity:Downtime
As I reported in my last post, ABC is developing a television series based on Alias (the comic, not the previous ABC series by that name). While it is yet to be seen how well the comic will translate into a series, we can still have fun trying to cast it.
Jessica Jones, the heroine of Alias, is a private detective with super powers. Those being: flight, super strength, and near invulnerability to injury. She was once a costumed superhero, going for a time by the name of Jewel, and later briefly by the name Knightress. However she was never among the top tier of heroes, such as Spider-man or the Fantastic Four. During her tenure as a superhero, she went through an ordeal that left her emotionally scarred, and caused her to retire from the game. It also left her with a very thick, defensive shell built up around her, to keep her from being vulnerable again. Essentially she prevents others from hurting her, by inflicting all the damage herself. She drinks a lot, she sleeps with guys that she doesn’t care about, and that don’t care about her. And she keeps anyone that might care for her at a safe distance, with a great deal of sarcasism, cynisim, and if that doesn’t work, hostility.
So who could possibly play a character this caustic, and still hold the audience sympathy? I have three choices.
My first pick, is not known for her portrayals of wounded antiheroes. In fact she is best known for playing one of the most relentlessly cheerful characters ever to grace a television screen. Jewel Staite played the adorable, optimistic, genius mechanic Kaylee Frye, on the late, long lamented (by me at least, and a few others) Firefly. Part of my reason for casting her would simply be because Jessica is so different from Kaylee, that it would be really interesting to see her play that end of the spectrum. Another reason is that she sort of reminds me of the way artist Micheal Gaydos, drew Jessica.
And she would have no problem portraying the Jess’ youthful exuberance, in flashbacks to her more innocent Jewel days. (Just noticed I cast an actress named Jewel to play a character code named Jewel, that is imaginative of me). I have not seen her in many roles outside the “verse” , so I don’t know what kind of a range she has, but she endeared herself to me so much as Kaylee, that I want to see her carry a series, even if I’m not entirely certain she can pull off Jessica acerbic wit. (Although she did manage to make Simon to feel like a moron, more than once).
My next two choices on the other hand, would have no problem with that aspect of the character.
Caroline Dhavernas, was the lead on another series that was cancelled far too early. If Firefly’s run was short, then Caroline’s show Wonderfalls’, was microscopic. Only three episodes ever aired on network television. Luckily around twelve episodes of this quirky, funny, and often touching but not cloying, show were filmed, and they were released on DVD. (Coincidentally Jewel Staite guest starred on a few episodes).
As the main character Jaye, Caroline displayed a talent for the biting, yet deadpan delivery, which is just how Jessica sounds in my head. While Jaye was just naturally antisocial, rather than having become so due to a trauma, I have confidence that Caroline could convey that she was covering up a deep secret. She is about to debut in the cast of Shonda Rhymes’ new show Off the Map, which is one of the reasons I plan to watch it, but if that show doesnt take off, or even if it does, she would be perfect in the part of Jessica.
Like the my other picks, I am shocked that my final choice has not had a bigger career. She is incredibly talented. Alicia Witt has been working steadily since she was fourteen years-old, yet she is not a household name. She has been in projects as varied as the family drama Friday Night Lights, the sitcom Cybill, and the scifi epic Dune.
She is probably closer to the age that Jessica is meant to be in the comic, than the other two. (Though who knows if the network, would want a heroine as old as, [gasp!] thirty-five). And since she has been in the business for so long, she could probably relate to Jess’ loss of innocence, and idealism, about her chosen profession. Despite no longer being a twenty-something ingenue, she is absolutely stunning. Which I’m sure would help grease the wheels of casting. Plus she too is a master of the dead pan delivery.
Here is quick side by side of each. Got a favorite among them? Or your own pick?
So those are my top picks. Any ideas about who should be the supporting cast? Anyone out there scream Luke Cage to you? Or Miss Marvel?
The next three dreams, did not appear in Sandman as much as the others I’ve already featured, but they did make an impression.
Eve may be the biblical Eve, or she may not be, or both could be true. She lives in a cave, and seems to have great knowledge and power. She could have been the first woman. Or a goddess of prehistory. Or an old crotchety witch. Or any of a number of other female archetypes.
Her appearance changed with each time she appeared in the series. Sometimes she was an ancient crone, sometime a middle aged motherly type, and sometimes a beautiful voluptuous young maiden.
Since she always looked like the same woman, but at different ages, I would cast her with a single actress and put her in the appropriate aging makeup.
My choice is Christina Hendricks.
Eve is drawn as having black hair, but I’d rather keep her as a redhead, and hope the Sandman super-fans will forgive me. Hendricks first impressed me on Firefly, where over the course of a single episode, she went from a naive farm girl, to a dangerous, seductive con artist. She was equally convincing as both. Lately she has been utterly mesmerizing as Joan on Mad Men. It is one of the most nuanced performances on television. She has been powerful, and also vulnerable. Confidant, and also petty. Charming, and also manipulative. Sympathetic, and then repellent. She owns every scene she’s in.
Fiddlers’ Green is unique in that he is actually a location. An idyllic patch of land, that travelers, sailors in particular, often dream of. Fiddlers’ Green decided one day to go traveling, himself. He took a human form and set out to see the Waking World (which is what our world is referred to, in the Dreaming). He took both the appearance, and general personality, of the prolific late nineteenth, early twentieth century, English author G.K. Chesterton. He called himself Gilbert (which was Chesterton’s given name), and was genial, lovely man. I didn’t know that he was based on Chesterton, when I first read Sandman. In fact, I only learned it this afternoon, when I was reviewing the Sandman character page on Wikipedia. I am just not as familiar with English fantasy authors as Neil Gaiman is. Before today I had identified Gilbert as Teddy Roosevelt.
But the fact that he is English rather than American, works even better for for the actor I chose, Jim Broadbent.
Gilbert is an incredibly lovable, somewhat blustery, fellow. Broadbent is very good at playing endearingly, bombastic men.
Finally there is the Corinthian. The Corinthian is a nightmare. Nightmares have just as much a place in the Dreaming, as any other dream. He too escaped into the Waking World. In which he became a serial killer that preyed on adolescent boys. He is one of the most chilling characters I’ve ever come across. He looks like a handsome, well built, blond man. He almost always wears sunglasses. That is because he doesn’t have eyes. Where his eyes should be, he has two small mouths. It is really creepy.
My choice for the part is James Marsters.
He has appeared in countless scifi and fantasy series. Such as: Torchwood, Caprica, Smallville, but he is best known for playing Spike on Buffy, and later its spin off Angel. He, like Hendricks, is a top rate scene stealer, but he manages to do it while making everyone he is playing against look better. He has great comic timing, but also excels at imbuing his characters with depth. He can go from broad physical comedy, to intense emotional soul barring, in the blink of an eye. He is also capable of scaring the living daylights out of me. Which is essential for the part. But his range will also come in handy for some aspects of the Corinthian’s storyline, that I don’t want to give away.
I also want to put in a quick plug for Marsters’ audiobook narration of Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden series. They are a blast.
Next time, some notable humans.
Rounding out the Endless, are Destruction, and Destiny. In Sandman things are rarely what you expect them to be. Ie: Death is a perky, optimistic young woman, and Dream is a dour, moody guy, that mopes around in a long black robe.
Likewise, the embodiment of Destruction is a laid-back, Zen-ish drifter. Although he wasn’t always. He had to work pretty hard to achieve calm. Which doesn’t mean he used to be a rageaholic, by all evidence he was pretty gregarious. I don’t want to go too much into his arc, because it us pretty interesting. So I’ll just get straight to his physical description. He is impossibly tall, and broad, with long red hair, and a beard. According to the Sandman Companion, the early inspiration for his look, was the English actor Brian Blessed. Who could open his mouth so wide when he laughed, that it looked like it took up his entire face. He is still working, so he could concievably do the part, but he is in his seventies now, and looking older than Destruction ever did. And Destruction’s final look never did look that much like Blessed. My top choice is Adam Baldwin
Even more than casting Summer Glau as Death, casting Adam Baldwin as Destruction, would have the Whedonites rejoicing. He has played any number of lovable, and not so lovable, sociopaths over the years. Lately he has become beloved in the geek world for two roles, col. John Casey on Chuck, and Jayne Cobb on Firefly. He is appropriately physically intimidating, for the part, and his hair could easily made the right color and length. He is a very good actor, he could play both the exuberant Destruction of the flashbacks, and the more subdued one of the present.
Destiny is probably the least interesting of the Endless (at least to me). He is also the only one not to have been created by Neil Gaiman. He is a character that had been knocking around the DC universe since the early seventies. He really doesn’t have much of a personality. His job is to observe everything that happens, and make sure it goes down exactly as written in his book. Which is pretty easy, as everything that happens, has happened, and will happen is written in the book. Including him reading the book. He doesn’t have opinions, or preferences, or emotions. His main physical characteristic is a long brown cloak, with a hood that is always drawn down over his eyes. Since his eyes are never shown, and he is described as being blind (although he still reads, and moves in a way that proves it is not a hindrance), it is possible that he doesn’t have eyes. The other main feature, is the enormous book that is always chained to his wrist.
Given that you don’t see his face, and that he doesn’t need to posess much charisma, you could put just about anyone under the hood, and it would work. So I’m going with Bill Nighy, just because I like him.
It almost seems a shame to hide that much charm under a cloak, but he can do restrained and aloof as well. Maybe he can even manage to make the character a little less dull.
Up next a few prominent dreams.
I’m not going to link to the previous posts anymore since there are too many now. They should all be available on the main page, or by clicking the tags.
In part 1, I gave my reasons for embarking on this project. In part 2 I cast my Dream. Now it is time put my casting cap back on, and pick an actress for the role of Death. In the universe of the Sandman Death is an upbeat, very cute, goth girl. As with all the Endless, her appearance changes, depending on her surroundings.
However, she is one of the more consistent of them. Her clothing does change according to the era, but for the most part, she is thin, pale, dressed all in black, with black hair, that is only slightly less messy than Dream’s. She always wears an ankh, somewhere on her person, usually as a necklace. And she has a black curlicue, under one eye. She is most often seen wearing a black tank, and black jeans, and occasionally finishes it off with a top hat, and umbrella.
She is the most relatable, down to earth, member of the Endless, and she is probably the series’ most beloved character. She is also the character that I have had the most trouble casting. She has to be instantly likable, and yet formidable. She has to be both glib, and insightful. I kept coming up with actresses that worked in one aspect, and failed in another. Natalie Portman, is cute enough, but I’m not sure she’d be able to convey the character’s power. Angelina Jolie could cover the power, but is too intimidating. Amy Adams, too cute, no edge at all. Death had to be all of that and more. She has to be someone who you’d actually be happy to see at your final moment. I went back and forth. I think I’ve finally got it. Summer Glau
She is probably best known for her roles on two short lived Scifi series. She played Cameron, a cyborg assassin, on The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And on Firefly, she played River, a brilliant, psychologically damaged, young girl, made into a sleeper agent by the government. She was so good at portraying River’s insanity, while also showing her vulnerability, and under lying danger, that I was considering her as the top contender for the part of Delirium. But I felt that actually might be like casting her in the same part, especially since there is a big overlap in the audiences for Firefly, and Sandman. Then as I was crossing out another name to play death, I remembered the charm, Glau brought to the role of River. The fact that she moved with a preternatural grace. The way she could deliver the strangest non sequitur, in way that made you think it would make perfect sense if you were just inside her head. Most of all, the looks she gave to her big brother when he was being an idiot, would translate perfectly into the, affectionate yet exasperated, way Death relates to Dream.
Look at her here, imagine it as a top hat, and that’s our girl.
It doesn’t hurt that she bears a slight resemblance to Fairuza Balk. Who at one point, I’m not sure if it’s still the case, had been set to play the part, in the film adaptation of Death the Time of Your Life. Which was a spinoff miniseries of Sandman. Considering the film was set to be directed by Neil Gaiman, it would be fair to say Fairuza is his top choice.
However, as popular as Summer may be with the geek community, it may be necessary to pick a bigger name, to get the movie made. So under duress I would submit my next choice. Zooey Deschanel.
She has been the winsome, indie, girl next door with an edge, du jour, for the past couple of years. For good reason, she’s charming, and beautiful, and talented. She’d be very good for the part, I just like Summer Glau a little bit more.
Coming up in part three, Delirium!
Check out the new banner that Mike created!
The banners will rotate randomly. Right now only two are in rotation, and I have a clear preference for the new one with Serenity prominently featured.
Update [07/30/2009] (by marty): Now there are three in rotation! See all three below.
Second Update [11/08/2010] (by marty): Now there are four in rotation! You can see the new one here.
I was reading the Graveyard Book last night (and boy is it good), and I also noticed that the names of a pair of police men were Simon and Tam. Which just happens to be the name of Firefly’s handsome and proper/desperate fugitive doctor. So that got me wondering if it is an intentional reference. And if it is, that is cool! Which got me to thinking if he is a fan of Firefly, perhaps he is a fan of Joss. Since I can’t imagine anything making me happier than Neil Gaiman working on a Joss Whedon project. So on the theory that if you shout something loudly enough into the Internet it will actually happen, and so this post can actually be about comics. I am hereby announcing NEIL GAIMAN WILL BE WRITING AN ARC OF BUFFY SEASON EIGHT! Right, I hope that was loud enough. Let the completely untrue rumors soar! You can’t take the lie from me.