ReadComics Podcast #048 – Minneapolis Indie Comic Expo

September 14th, 2010 by

In this episode, Marty, Jason, Florence, Sharyn and Susie talk about the Minneapolis Indie Expo, a one-day comic book festival/convention that took place in Minneapolis on August 21st, 2010. We plug far too many artists and creators to list them all in this blog post, and we probably only listed half of the cool stuff we saw at the con.

Listen to Podcast Episode #048 (25 MB, 54 minutes)

2 Responses to “ReadComics Podcast #048 – Minneapolis Indie Comic Expo”

  1. CONSPIRE! » Another Twin Cities Comics Podcast Says:

    […] they just came out with their 48th episode, covering their delight with the recent MIX festival. You can listen to it here. Please […]

  2. Danno Says:

    Be sure to stop in and say Hey during 24 Hour Comic Day!