Fantasy Casting: Alias Power Man.

January 7th, 2011 by

I had not been planning to do a follow up casting post, about AKA Jessica Jones, but Florence came up with such an inspired sugestion for Luke Cage, that I had to make it an official post.

In the Marvel universe Luke is the hero known as Power Man.  In Alias, while he is still Power Man, he mainly plays the part of Jess’ occasional ally, and hookup.

I’ll let Florence put it in her words, whom she would cast.

Luke Cage= Tyr from Andromeda. My favorite gorgeous deadpan Nietzschian must return to the screen. I’m sure the actor could portray some genuine emotion in his relationship with Jessica, but his default badassitude would be perfect.

I could not agree more.  The The actor in question, is Keith Hamilton Cobb.   He definitely can play a total badass, and he can smolder to boot.   And he has the superhero physique, as well.   This pick is so good, that I am not offering any alternative.  Though I would love to hear anyone else’s suggestion, in the comments

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One Response to “Fantasy Casting: Alias Power Man.”

  1. Florence Says:

    Ah, basking. If only I had this kind of inspiration as often as you do!