On The Day that Batman’s Parents Died

June 6th, 2011 by

On the Day Batman’s Parents Died

A poem by me


On the day Batman’s parents died


It was Christmas

It was New Year’s Eve

It was Halloween

It was Bruce’s birthday


They went to the movies (it was Zorro)

They went to the opera

They went to the ballet

They went to the movies (it was not Zorro)


Little Bruce’s mother scolded him

Little Bruce told his father he hated him

His father hit his mother

His mother told his father she was pregnant again


Bruce pretended to be the Lone Ranger

Bruce’s mother read to him from Alice in Wonderland

Bruce’s father dressed up like a bat

Bruce’s butler stayed home with a cold


A black cat crossed their path

A clown juggled for pennies

A crow died

A criminal got away


There was a full moon

There was no moon

It was everyday

It was the only day


This was inspired by the fact that every Batman comic I’ve read  or movie or tv show I’ve seen, has set every flashback to Bruce Wayne’s childhood on the day his parents were murdered.  Of course each one contradicts the last.  But why not?  It all happened.  It is the only day that matters.

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3 Responses to “On The Day that Batman’s Parents Died”

  1. Jason Says:

    That was wonderful. Very Grant Morrison.

  2. Florence Says:

    Chilling and beautiful.

  3. Bane Says:

    wonderful article. I really like batman. His childhood is sad and tragic but he became a hero. His a great guy.