Everything’s Coming Up Milhouse!–Er–Greyjoy!
April 16th, 2012 by SusieLast night Florence, Mike, and I were preparing to watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones. We were discussing Theon Greyjoy’s accidental and very amusing attempts to hit on his own sister, the previous week. Poor Theon desperately wants to be cool and never will be. (At least going by the first season, I haven’t read the books so I don’t know if his fortunes change later on.) It occurred to me that Theon Greyjoy is the Milhouse of Game of Thrones.
I really like Milhouse, he’s utterly pathetic yet often misguidedly optimistic. I find him really lovable (This is the same reason I harbor a deep affection for Butters on South Park and Andy Bernard on the Office). I don’t yet love Theon in that manner, but if he keeps being so adorably pitiful, I might.
And to help that along, here are pictures of Theon accompanied by some of my favorite Milhouse quotes.
Milhouse: This is where I come to cry
Milhouse Van Houten: Well, I used a rhyming dictionary, but it only gives you options. The job of the poet is to say, “this one, I guess.”
Milhouse Van Houten: Ow! It’s stuck! Now I’ll have a quizzical expression all day.
Milhouse: Remember the time he ate my goldfish? And you lied and said I never had goldfish. Then why did I have the bowl, Bart? Why did I have the bowl?
Milhouse: I like being under your shadow! It’s nice and cool!
Theon: Unchain me, and I will serve you.
(I did a search for Theon quotes and that was the very first thing to pop up. I think that about sums it up, don’t you?)
Now I’m wondering, if Theon is Milhouse, which GoT character is Ralph Wiggum?
Tags: Game of Thrones, Milhouse, silliness, The Simpsons, Theon Greyjoy
April 17th, 2012 at 7:06 am
This is hilarious!
I love hearing your unspoiled predictions (and I’ll ask that any readers help keep you unspoiled).