ReadComics Podcast #028 – Book Club – PS238 Vol. 1

February 9th, 2009 by

This podcast/book club features Florence, Jason, Mike, Susie and Marty, and is all about PS238: Volume 1, With Liberty And Recess for All, written and drawn by Aaron Williams. We stay mostly focused for the first 45 minutes or so, then veer off on a Dr. Who tangent in anticipation of Jason’s upcoming convention trip.

Listen to Podcast Episode #028 (30 MB, 65 minutes)

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One Response to “ReadComics Podcast #028 – Book Club – PS238 Vol. 1”

  1. Martin Says:

    In there somewhere, I mentioned the youtube mashup of Christian Bale yelling at the “David after dentist” kid. If you haven’t seen it already, watch the original David After Dentist video first.