In part 1, I gave my reasons for embarking on this project. In part 2 I cast my Dream. Now it is time put my casting cap back on, and pick an actress for the role of Death. In the universe of the Sandman Death is an upbeat, very cute, goth girl. As with all the Endless, her appearance changes, depending on her surroundings.
However, she is one of the more consistent of them. Her clothing does change according to the era, but for the most part, she is thin, pale, dressed all in black, with black hair, that is only slightly less messy than Dream’s. She always wears an ankh, somewhere on her person, usually as a necklace. And she has a black curlicue, under one eye. She is most often seen wearing a black tank, and black jeans, and occasionally finishes it off with a top hat, and umbrella.

She is the most relatable, down to earth, member of the Endless, and she is probably the series’ most beloved character. She is also the character that I have had the most trouble casting. She has to be instantly likable, and yet formidable. She has to be both glib, and insightful. I kept coming up with actresses that worked in one aspect, and failed in another. Natalie Portman, is cute enough, but I’m not sure she’d be able to convey the character’s power. Angelina Jolie could cover the power, but is too intimidating. Amy Adams, too cute, no edge at all. Death had to be all of that and more. She has to be someone who you’d actually be happy to see at your final moment. I went back and forth. I think I’ve finally got it. Summer Glau

She is probably best known for her roles on two short lived Scifi series. She played Cameron, a cyborg assassin, on The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And on Firefly, she played River, a brilliant, psychologically damaged, young girl, made into a sleeper agent by the government. She was so good at portraying River’s insanity, while also showing her vulnerability, and under lying danger, that I was considering her as the top contender for the part of Delirium. But I felt that actually might be like casting her in the same part, especially since there is a big overlap in the audiences for Firefly, and Sandman. Then as I was crossing out another name to play death, I remembered the charm, Glau brought to the role of River. The fact that she moved with a preternatural grace. The way she could deliver the strangest non sequitur, in way that made you think it would make perfect sense if you were just inside her head. Most of all, the looks she gave to her big brother when he was being an idiot, would translate perfectly into the, affectionate yet exasperated, way Death relates to Dream.
Look at her here, imagine it as a top hat, and that’s our girl.

It doesn’t hurt that she bears a slight resemblance to Fairuza Balk. Who at one point, I’m not sure if it’s still the case, had been set to play the part, in the film adaptation of Death the Time of Your Life. Which was a spinoff miniseries of Sandman. Considering the film was set to be directed by Neil Gaiman, it would be fair to say Fairuza is his top choice.
However, as popular as Summer may be with the geek community, it may be necessary to pick a bigger name, to get the movie made. So under duress I would submit my next choice. Zooey Deschanel.

She has been the winsome, indie, girl next door with an edge, du jour, for the past couple of years. For good reason, she’s charming, and beautiful, and talented. She’d be very good for the part, I just like Summer Glau a little bit more.
Coming up in part three, Delirium!