ReadComics Podcast #039 – Bookclub #12 – Echo

September 23rd, 2009 by

Yet another fascinating and tantalizing podcastical tribute to comics! This book club issueissode focused on the awesome Echo, by veteran comic creator Terry Moore.

Marty, Florence, Mike, Jason and Susie wax your ears off with unquestionable eloquence, only straying satirically from the subject for brief but satisfying interludes. (We’re segue savants, so of course you probably won’t even notice.) This episode is best enjoyed in the company of a well trained room full of monkeys with typewriters.

Listen to Podcast Episode #039 (27 MB, 58 minutes)


One Response to “ReadComics Podcast #039 – Bookclub #12 – Echo”

  1. florence Says:

    Reading this description makes me feel so glamorous!