Dream Casting, Sandman Casting Call part 11: Mortal, Immortal, and Other
September 29th, 2010 by SusieShakespeare was a character that popped up in Sandman from time to time. There was no gimmick to it. He wasn’t a time traveller, or a wizard. He was just Will Shakespeare, Elizabethian Era playwright, struggling to make good.
I think I’d cast Gary Oldman.
I don’t really have much to say for my reasoning behind the choice. I just think he’s a good actor who looks good with a beard, and who seems comfortable with Shakespearian dialogue.
Hob Gadling is another character that didn’t appear often, but made quite an impression. He is first seen in the fouteenth century, claiming that dying is for suckers. Dream overhears this, and makes a deal with him. Death won’t come for him until he decides he is tired of life. Dream checks up on him once a century, and we get to see him go from rich man to beggar, and back again. We see him happy with a full life and family, to a man that has outlived everyone he loved. And regardless of his circumstances he always chooses to go on.
His physical appearance remains pretty much the same through out, just his clothes changing to match the times. He is shown to have reddish brown hair and usually a beard. My pick is Ewan McGregor.
For no other reason than I like him. I think he is charming, and so is Hob.
Morpheus had a son named Orpheus. And a couple of daughters named Blorpheus and Shmorpheus, I kid! Orpheus is in fact the same Orpheus from the Greek myth Orpheus and Eurydice. He actually has pretty pivotal role to play in the series, and it’s one I am loathe to spoil, so I won’t go into it too much. He starts as a relatively carefree youth, but goes through a trauma that changes him a great deal. His appearance is mainly of a nice looking young man, but with a haunted look in his eyes.
Who better for that than Matt Smith?
He is of course the latest actor to take up the mantle of the Doctor, and he’s done a bang up job of it. He often comes across in the same scene, as very young boy and an old old man. Which is just right for Orpheus.
Rounding out today’s post is Daniel Hall. To say what Daniel’s role in the series is, would be to give away a major plot point. So I won’t. I’ll just say that he begins as an adorable human baby, and by the end he is neither a human or a baby. So for the early scenes he should be cast with a beautiful, blue eyed baby , with curly blond hair. For the later scenes I would cast Mitch Hewer.
He played the talented and impish Maxxie, on the first two seasons of Skins. He has a very youthful, and sweet look, and is drop dead gorgeous. Daniel needs to look innocent, but also wise. I think Mitch would nail that. And with that, I am officially out of pretty blond males. This cast has taken them all!
Next post will probably involve important ladies.
Tags: Casting, Doctor Who, Neil Gaiman, Sandman, Skins
September 29th, 2010 at 2:04 pm
You really have an impressive arsonal of pretty blond men at your disposal. Funny that they would all be needed for a story commonly associated with a goth sensibility.