ReadComics Podcast Episode #002

April 27th, 2008 by

Join us for our second podcast, where we discuss Blade, Microcon, podcasting, local comic book authors, Gaylaxicon 2009, Slingshot, Power Pack, 80s TV shows, upcoming comic book movies, free comic book day (& local comic book shops), and the history of our comic book reading.

Listen to Podcast Episode #002 (1:08 hr, 31 MB)

2 Responses to “ReadComics Podcast Episode #002”

  1. Susie Says:

    I am finally listening this episode. The comic that Florence was talking about that had an evil tarot deck was Lucifer.

  2. Brian Says:

    It’s interesting that one of Jason’s earliest comic memory in Captain Carrot. When I got old enough to touch my older brother’s comics. I probably read all his CC and his Zoo Crew comics a dozen times.

    Nice show bro!