Mighty Avengers #9
September 28th, 2008 by jasonI have the second Mighty Avengers collection checked out from the library, and I finished it this morning. Of particular interest to me is issue 9, where the team invades Latveria to arrest Doom for turning most of Manhattan into Venom symbiotes.
What I found somewhat fascinating about this issue is that out of 24 pages (counting the cover), half of the pages consist of little more than a single large drawing. Six of the pages are double-spreads of the Avengers battling Doombots. A few others have small ancillary panels, but again, the primary art is one large drawing. The drawings are quite detailed. Lots of action is occuring in them. But without a doubt, this is the “blockbuster action flick” of comics recently. It’s like the last hour of Transformers. Talk about your decompressed storytelling! Six pages in a row of just enormous battle scenes. It’s like a pin-up magazine rather than a comic. I really wonder what people who plopped down three bucks for this thought, especially knowing that they would then have to wait another month to get the next issue. Having got it from the library, I feel like I got the better end of the deal.
I haven’t looked up any other reviews of the comic yet, or any kind of response from Bendis on the message boards, but just looking at this comic as a single entity, you get the feeling that he may have been a little overworked at the time, and told Bagley to fill up some pages with fighting.
I am enjoying what I’m reading of Mighty Avengers so far, except I keep waiting for someone to say “Bwah ha ha!” Iron Man’s repartee with Doom in the next issue is hugely reminiscent of the dialogue from the ’80s Justice League series, which is not a bad thing. Super-hero comics could definitely use a bit more humour these days, in my opinion.