Anybody want to buy a tee shirt?
June 24th, 2012 by Susie
If you are interested, I’ve put some of my drawings (including my idea of the ultimate super group above) on Red Bubble for sale as tee shirts and prints.
They can be found here.
If you are interested, I’ve put some of my drawings (including my idea of the ultimate super group above) on Red Bubble for sale as tee shirts and prints.
They can be found here.
Fan artist Aviv Or has done this fabulous rendition of the cast of NBC’s Community as the X-Men. It makes me happy.
You can see details of each one here.
First, here is a cute fanart comic of Captain Hammer fighting Captain Tightpants. I wonder when we will see a Captain Hammerpants?
And here is the twentieth anniversary of Sandman (Neil Gaiman version) poster that debuted at comic con last week
33 artists from the comic’s run contributed. Geek pop quiz! Can you identify by name all the characters shown? Bonus points for identifying the artist. The prize? Pride in a well trained memory.
Poster legend after the jump